I’m with you with on the Switch. My interest in it peaked after the first year. It’s a genius idea admittedly. Nintendo already owned the handheld market, so why not make their next handheld also their next home console? I like the Switch, but I’m still waiting for Nintendo to release a proper home system that can go toe to toe with the other guys.

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It'd be amazing and unexpected if Nintendo came out with a Switch 2 that dwarfed Sony and Microsoft in terms of specs, but that would probably go against their "be profitable on day 1" ethos.

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Entertaining read. I was definitely shocked at n64 being rated the worst. I was able to come to understand your view but for me is it gave us golden eye, blast corps, and most importantly smashbros. That makes it one of the best for me.

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The N64 was a great console for playing 4-player games with your friends, and I guess there's a YMMV element here where whether you have good memories with the console is defined by how big a part that played in your experience with it.

For me, 4-player was huge at that time in my life, so I look back on the N64 fondly, while remembering also that every single-player experience with it was disappointing besides Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. While 4-player peripherals existed before the N64 (and for the PS1), to this day I've never seen them used. LAN parties were technically possible in that era, but that phase came for me several years later.

So the N64 arrived at the perfect moment and defined some key years when getting 4 guys together to game was something we wanted to do, were easily able to do, and wouldn't have done without the N64.

Some of the games we played together were great, like Smash 64 (by far our most-played game). But others were mediocre, yet still fun because we had 4 guys gaming. GoldenEye was, in truth, very mediocre compared to contemporary PC games (Half-Life came out just a year later!), but we had a blast with it. Even a game like Gauntlet Legends, which I'd say was flat-out bad, was fun for a while with the 4 of us.

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You speak truth, the N64 definitely excelled with multiplayer experiences vs. single-player. I played Goldeneye with friends here and there, and those times were a blast, but also unfortunately few and far between. Thanks for sharing your memories!

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Thanks Jeremiah! I totally understand that line of thinking, the N64 has some excellent multiplayer games. That fact alone just wasn't enough for me to rank it higher, though. I'd be curious to know what your worst-to-best Nintendo console ranking is!

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